ENEA (Italy)

Main tasks within ice2sea: Involvement in W2

Description of institution: ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Economically Sustainable Development, is a public agency operating in the fields of energy, the environment and new technologies to support Country’s competitiveness and sustainable development. It has currently more than 3000 staff members distributed all over Italy, from Rome headquarters to 12 main research centres mostly dedicated to Research and Technology Development, transfer and dissemination. RTD activities are carried out in five departments. Environment, Global Change and Sustainable Development Department carries out research on environmental issues and develops technologies and methodologies for environmental monitoring and conservation, regarding territorial traits and international action strategies responding to global change phenomena. Based on the study of past geological and natural events, future scenarios are drawn up in order to aid and inform governmental policy in the area of environmental prevention and protection initiatives and foster interaction between the environment and industrial systems, including energy, in accordance with national competitiveness and sustainable development goals. Laboratory for climate observations mission is to undertake scientific research, survey and long-term observations addressing key issues of climate change of Antarctic and Mediterranean area.

Department name: Environment, Global Change and Sustainable Development

Staff member:  Dr. Massimo Frezzotti

Profile of staff member: MF has held the position of researcher since 1983 at the Department of Environment, Global Change and Sustainable Development of the ENEA. Since 2002 is the Head of Laboratory for Climate Observation at ENEA where he has led the national research programme in ice sheets and sea-level rise since 1999. In the period 1983-1990 he worked on geological research for nuclear power sites and on glacial, aeolian and alluvial deposits in order to find paleoclimatic variations in Central Italy. Since 1985 MF has been working on glaciology and remote sensing, applied to the study of ice sheet mass balance in East Antarctica, in particular of Dome C drainage area. He has joined 9 PNRA expeditions to Antarctica, he is Principal Investigator of European Project TALDICE (Talos Dome Ice Core Project), project leader of PNRA-ITASE (International TransAntarctic Scientific Expedition).

Selected references:

Urbini S., Frezzotti M., Gandolfi S., Vincent C., Scarchilli C., Vittuari L., Fily  M. (2008) Historical behaviour of Dome C and Talos Dome (East Antarctica) as investigated by snow accumulation and ice velocity measurements. Global and Planetary Change.60, 576-588.

Frezzotti M., Urbini S., Proposito M., Scarchilli C., Gandolfi S. (2007) Spatial and temporal variability of surface mass balance near Talos Dome, East Antarctica. J. Geoph. Res., VOL. 112, F02032, doi:10.1029/2006JF000638.

Remy, F. and Frezzotti, M. (2006). Antarctica ice sheet mass balance. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 338: 1084-1097.

Monaghan A.J., Bromwich D.H., Fogt R.L. ,Wang SH, Mayewski PA, Dixon DA, Ekaykin A., Frezzotti M., Goodwin I., Isaksson E., Kaspari SD, Morgan VI, Oerter H.,Van Ommen T., Van der Veen CJ, Wen J. (2006) Insignificant Change in Antarctic Snowfall Since the International Geophysical Year, Science, 313, 827-831.

Frezzotti M. Pourchet M., Flora O., Gandolfi S., Gay M., Urbini S., Vincent C.,  Becagli S., Gragnani R., Proposito M., Severi M., Traversi R., Udisti R., Fily M. (2005) Spatial and temporal variability of snow accumulation in East Antarctica from traverse data. J. Glaciol., 51(172), 113-124.

Frezzotti M. Pourchet M., Flora O., Gandolfi S., Gay M., Urbini S., Vincent C., Becagli S., Gragnani R., Proposito M., Severi M., Traversi R., Udisti R., Fily M. (2004). New estimations of precipitation and surface sublimation in East Antarctica from snow accumulation measurements Climate Dynamics, 23 803-813.

Magand O., Frezzotti M., Pourchet M., Stenni B., Genoni L., Fily M.. (2004) Climate variability along latitudinal and longitudinal transects in east Antarctica, Ann. Glaciol. 39, 351-358.

Frezzotti M., Gandolfi S. and Urbini S. (2002). Snow megadune in Antarctica: sedimentary structure and genesis. J. Geoph. Res., 107 (D18), 4344, doi:10.1029/2001JD000673, 1-12.

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