Ice2sea in the Press

(List incomplete and to be updated)

Aud Sundal and Andy Shepherd at Leeds have a letter published in Nature, which was also the science editor’s choice paper in the Guardian newspaper in the UK.

(26th January 2011)

Ice2sea was mentioned in UK Parliament by Lord Dykes, regarding the contribution of UK funds to ice2sea, following an earlier question on BAS’s research into the causes and effects of climate change and global warming. Question see here (search for ice2sea). The reply was published in Hansard, Parliament’s Official Report.

(6th December 2010)

“Research on Climate Change” highlights ice2sea, presented at United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP-15) Copenhagen, Denmark (7-18 December 2009) (pdf).

(18 December 2009)

British Antarctic Survey internal newsletter mentions ice2sea in the August 2009 edition (pdf).

(August 2009)

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