Main tasks within ice2sea: Involvement in W2 and W3.
Description of institution: University of Oslo, Department of Geosciences, is the largest and broadest geosciences department in Norway. The department has been involved in a number of EU projects over several years. The department has long traditions in field based research, has both the experience and the logistics necessary to organize and conduct field campaigns and has for many years worked in glaciology in the Arctic (Svalbard). Glaciological field investigations operated by the department includes mass balance measurements, surveying, radio-echo soundings, shallow core drillings and Automatic Weather Stations (AWS). The department will build on former an ongoing projects partly funded by EU through which valuable data sets have been collected on glaciers and ice caps in the Arctic. Ongoing activity include a Calibration/Validation project for ESA’s CryoSat and an IPY Glaciodyn project in which data sets on surface mass balance, dynamics and altitude for volume change calculations of ice caps can be available for use in ice2sea. In ice2sea UiO will work mainly on glaciers and ice caps in Svalbard with surface mass balance, dynamics and calving. In addition to observational data in Svalbard, we will contribute to modelling of the future response of selected glaciers and ice caps, field validation and ground truthing for remote sensing data of surface altitude variations and ice facies data for input in mass balance and runoff modelling.
Department name: Department of Geosciences
Staff member: Prof. Jon Ove Hagen (responsible scientist, more staff members will be involved in ice2sea)
Profile of staff member: Hagen has worked as a glaciologist at the Norwegian Polar Institute, 1986-1993, responsible for the NPI’s glaciological investigations in Svalbard and leader of the geophysical section. In 1993-1995 he became Head of the Snow and Glacier Section, Hydrology Department, Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Administration, responsible for glacier monitoring in Norway. Since 1996 he has been a full professor at the University of Oslo. He has more than 20 years experience in field glaciology with focus on mass-balance studies in Svalbard, but also two seasons in Antarctica. He was chairman of the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)-Working Group on Arctic Glaciology 1995-2003, vice-president of ICSI, International Commission of Snow and Ice, 1999-2006 and Council member of International Glaciological Society (IGS) 2002-2006. He was lead author in IPCC of Ch. 16 (Polar Regions) in IPCC Working Group II, Third Assessment Report (2001), contributing author and reviewer, Fourth Assessment Report, WG I (Ch 4) and WGII, (Ch 15). He was contributing author in ACIA – Arctic Climate Impact Assessment on Ch 6. (Glaciers and Ice sheets). He has been partner and coordinator of different EU-project during 1996-2005. He is co-chairman of the international IPY Glaciodyn project, coordinator of the Norwegian IPY-Glaciodyn project, funded 2006-2010. He has been author/coauthor of more than 80 papers.
Selected references:
Hagen, J.O., K. Melvold, F. Pinglot and J. A. Dowdeswell, 2003: On the net mass balance of the glaciers and ice caps in Svalbard, Norwegian Arctic. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 35(2), 264-270.
Hagen, J.O., J. Kohler, K. Melvold and J. G. Winther, 2003: Glaciers in Svalbard: mass balance, runoff and fresh water flux. Polar Research, 22(2), 145-159.
Dowdeswell, J.A. and Hagen, J.O. 2004. Arctic ice masses- (Ch. 15). In Bamber, J.L. and Payne, A.J., (Eds.), Mass Balance of the Cryosphere, Cambridge University Press, 527-558.
Hagen, J.O. and Reeh, N. 2004: In situ measurements techniques: land ice. (Ch. 2). In Bamber, J.L. and Payne, A.J., (Eds.), Mass Balance of the Cryosphere, Cambridge University Press, 11-42.
Oerlemans, J. S. Bassford, W. Chapman, J. Dowdeswell, A. Glazovsky, J.O. Hagen, K. Melvold, M. de Ruijter de Wildt, R.S.W. van de Wal, 2005: Estimating the runoff from Arctic glaciers in the next hundred years, Annals of Glaciology, 42, 230-236.
Hagen, J.O., T. Eiken, J. Kohler and K. Melvold, 2005. Geometry changes on Svalbard glaciers: mass-balance or dynamic response? Annals of Glaciology 42, 255-261.
Schuler, Thomas; Loe, Even; Taurisano, Andrea; Eiken, Trond; Hagen, Jon Ove; Kohler, Jack. 2007. Calibrating a surface mass balance model for the Austfonna ice cap, Svalbard. Annals of Glaciology, 46, 241-248.
Taurisano, Andrea; Schuler, Thomas; Hagen, Jon Ove; Eiken, Trond; Loe, Even; Melvold, Kjetil; Kohler, Jack. 2007. The distribution of snow accumulation across the Austfonna ice cap, Svalbard: direct measurements and modelling. Polar Research 26 (1), 7-13.