Category Archives: Science Summaries
Recent elevation changes of Svalbard glaciers
The Svalbard archipelago has a vast number of ice caps and glaciers which tend to be far smaller than those flowing from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets. ICESat, a … read more
Changes in the Austfonna ice cap, Svalbard
The Austfonna ice cap is the largest ice mass on the northern archipelago of Svalbard. Glaciers in this area are classified as “near-polar” – such glacier systems are highly sensitive … read more
Iceberg calving – a key process in glacier modelling
The formation of icebergs, known as “calving”, is part of the natural lifecycle of glaciers and ice sheets. So long as the rate of snow accumulation balances mass loss via … read more
Feeling the force – is buttressing the key to everything?
Most glaciers in Greenland and Antarctica flow into the sea, and some of them terminate in extensive ice shelves – flat expanses of glacier ice, which can be the size … read more
002 Under the icing
There are a lot of glaciers on planet Earth – some estimate more than 100,000! And since to measure the thickness of a glacier requires dragging instruments around on its … read more
For the Love of Numbers
Our skill in understanding and predicting the response of the Earth system to change is rooted in our ability to represent the processes that move air, water and energy and … read more